IT for Professional Services

Tailored IT solutions are beneficial for all industries, and any growing business, but for some they are a necessity. Professional service providers, such as accountants, law firms, and recruitment agencies need the best IT systems to stay ahead of their competitors.

These industries differ greatly, meaning they need to prioritise different aspects of IT support. Let’s break them down one at a time.

Our Clients > Professional Services

IT Services for Accountancy

Accountancy is all about numbers, and the days of relying on calculators and notebooks are far behind us. To be an accountant or run an accountancy firm in the modern world, you need modern IT systems that give you an edge.

The main IT system accountancy firms need to establish is practice management. These systems help to manage the back office of an accountancy company, including delivering services as well as winning and retaining customers. No matter how good your accountancy services are, keeping customers happy should always be a priority.

Our practice management solutions help you bring in new customers and develop your relationship with existing ones too. When your systems are more streamlined, it allows you to improve other aspects of your business, helping you grow.

We also help to protect your valuable data with our Could-based IT solutions. These make your data harder to leak, or be stolen by hackers, while still making it easy to access at all times.

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IT Services for Law Firms

The information that passes through a law firm or solicitor’s office on an hourly basis is incredibly private and should be kept safe and confidential.

To keep this data secure, a legal teams’ IT systems need to be as competitive as you are, constantly changing and adapting to stay ahead of the curve.

No matter the size of your firm, you need to make effective communication a priority. Even the best can make mistakes; using Cloud-based services to distribute your data minimises this risk. They keep all data secure, but readily available at all times. This makes clients’ and your own data harder for an outsider to access and makes leaks almost impossible.

Compliancy is key within a law firm; your IT systems can be optimised to keep everything above board. Our systems can ensure clients’ data is only sent to the right people and can be password protected for added IT security.

IT Services for Recruitment Companies

Recruitment companies need to work efficiently to maximise their services. From invoicing to credit control, it all needs to be faultless. Temporary workers need to be paid, using invoice funding and factoring if necessary.

Having the best IT solutions keeps your entire operation running smoothly, taking care of the daily tasks so you can focus on growth and development. By automating these processes, administrative overheads are reduced, and the chance of human error is removed.

These streamlined IT solutions are also scalable; they’ll grow with you as your business expands. All systems are tailored to you as well. We meet with you to assess your needs and specific requirements, building an IT strategy that improves your existing systems and implements new ones that will keep your IT team at their best.

When handling invoices, CVs, and personal information, it’s essential that this data is kept safe. By using our Cloud-based solutions, all your data is backed up safely, and fully recoverable if something goes wrong.


testimonial 1

Amazing service, friendly, patient, and professional without feeling overwhelmed with info - I felt free of confusion, stressed or confused by any conversation, and Adam couldn't be more helpful. Great team and great service that I’d 100% recommend.

testimonial 2

Been with Express IT for over 5 years. After experiencing very poor support with another company, I met Adam, and since day 1, we've had amazing IT support, rapid response and excellent customer care with all emergencies and development work. No job is too small. Thoroughly recommended.

Improving your Workplace with IT Services

Modern IT solutions can help you maximise your workplace. The way we work has changed a lot in the last few years. Working from home is more common than ever, and hybrid office working gives employees more flexibility, cuts down on costs, and even helps to reduce a company’s carbon footprint.

No matter how big or small your team is, communication is key. Our systems are easy to set up and use, and enable fast sharing of documents and files, as well as optimised email systems that keep your data secure.

Speaking of data security, that’s the IT solution we focus on the most. Cyber-attacks are becoming more advanced, and malicious hackers have changed their approach. They now try to access your data via phishing emails and scams, using human error to exploit your systems. Our IT security solutions make these attempts easier to spot for any employee, and your data will be easier to recover if the worst does happen.

By transferring your data to the Cloud, you can access it just as easily, but it is much more secure. With so much valuable data passing through your systems, you need to be able to rely on them at all times.

Our Vision

Cyber Awareness for Professional Service Providers

There are many ways to improve the security of your data. Keeping your systems up to date, constant monitoring services, and, of course, backing up your data in the Cloud.

But arguably the most important method for improving cyber security is a lot more human.

Cyber awareness training is crucial for any professional service provider, especially law firms, accountancy firms, and recruitment support specialists. We offer comprehensive cyber awareness training courses that keep your team informed and up to date on the latest ways data can be threatened.

Knowing how to spot phishing attempts and vulnerabilities before they become more serious is key to keeping your operation complaint and running smoothly. Plus, if you’re introducing new IT systems, your team will need training to get the most out of them, so adding in cyber awareness training is an added bonus.

IT Connectivity

Why Choose ExpressIT?

If your company is growing fast, off-the-shelf systems won’t be able to keep up. We conduct a thorough assessment of your current systems, and what your individual needs are.

Then, we can adapt your existing systems and implement new ones. Replacing everything can lead to more user error and delays as your team get used to them, so when we can combine systems together it’s more effective.
Once the systems are in place, our work is not done. We provide complete monitoring services that detect any issues, responding to them as quickly as possible.

In such a fast-paced industry, IT systems can become outdated within a very short time. That’s why our IT solutions are designed to evolve with you, regularly updating to keep you ahead of the curve. This means that, as your company grows, your IT will too.


Cyber Awareness Training – What You Need To Know

Cyber Awareness Training – What You Need To Know

As the world becomes a more digital-first world, cybersecurity threats are becoming an ever-present challenge. The thing is, while technology can offer a robust defence, we can’t just rely on it to keep us safe. The human element of cybersecurity shouldn’t be overlooked. This is where our Cyber Awareness Training steps in. It’s not about having another layer of security, and loading you up with all that other techy jargon; it’s about giving you and your team the knowledge and tools to spot and respond to cybersecurity threats effectively.

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